VIKING (Patriot Antennas)

Viking SatCom is a leading manufacturer and distributor of both consumer and commercial satellite antenna products. Viking Satcom offers a “One Stop Shop” approach to system integrators and resellers through an extensive product line consisting of high quality satellite antennas, RF peripheral equipment, and wireless communication products. With Corporate offices located in Albion, Michigan, Viking SatCom offers a complete line of satellite products, communication systems, and accessories at cost effective prices, making Viking SatCom your most trusted and experienced provider of satellite equipment.

We have years of experience in technical and commercial knowledge as well as a “Hands On” experience level of large program management projects. Past programs include or involved Large Satellite Earth Stations, VSAT & DTH networks, and satellite broadcasting entities.

Адрес: 115088, г. Москва, Шарикоподшипниковская ул., д. 4
Телефон/факс: (495) 96-800-96